Glossary of terms_

If you have not previously encountered the need to select equipment for laundry or dry cleaning, or are not entirely familiar with the terminology of this industry, we hope that the dictionary of terms will help you understand the specifics and help you make the right choice. In any case, you can always contact us and Londri Trade specialists will help you understand all the intricacies and pitfalls when choosing laundry equipment and dry cleaning equipment.

Water purifier

The process of washing clothes using large amounts of water and special biodegradable chemicals, followed by drying and ironing. Equipment for wet cleaning includes a wet cleaning machine (industrial washing machine with the ability to use wet cleaning programs), a drying drum with a residual moisture sensor and ironing equipment (steam mannequin, ironing table, rotary cabin, ironing press, etc.). The main key to successful water cleaning is knowledge of textiles, fabric materials, as well as skills in the operation of finishing and ironing equipment. Just as not all products can be dry cleaned, it should be clearly understood that not all products can be wet cleaned. To protect yourself, you should always follow the instructions on the clothing manufacturer's label.

Gas heating

Type of heating in equipment using natural or liquefied gas. This heating can be used in drying drums to heat the air and in calenders to heat the ironing roll. This type of heating is not popular in Ukraine due to the large number of permits required to operate gas-heated equipment.

Warranty and warranty repairs

A warranty is a period of time during which the manufacturer, or its representative in Ukraine, undertakes to carry out warranty repairs and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of the equipment.
The warranty can be full or limited. The full warranty offers a free engineer visit, labor and spare parts. With a limited warranty, the customer pays for the engineer's visit and labor, and spare parts are provided free of charge. The warranty does not apply to consumables (eg heat-resistant coating, heating elements, etc.). Also, for the warranty to be valid for a full period, the equipment must be connected and started up by factory-authorized specialists, as well as undergo regular maintenance. Please note that if you use household appliances in the laundry room, the manufacturer's warranty does not apply to them. Household appliances are intended for use in domestic conditions, i.e. with a load of several wash cycles per week.

Ironing calender

Calenders are also called ironing and drying rollers. Calenders are intended for ironing straight linen, i.e. sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, duvet covers, etc. Linen with a residual moisture content of up to 50% can be ironed immediately on a calender; no drying machine is required. Hence the name drying and ironing roller. Ironing calenders provide very high quality ironing. The width of the shaft (ironing surface) can reach 3200mm, and the diameter is 800mm. The productivity of such a calender will exceed 200 kg of laundry per hour. Ironing calenders can be electrically, gas or steam heated.

Ironing roller

Just like the calender, it is designed for ironing straight linen. Unlike the ironing calender, where the ironing roller is heated, the rollers heat up the trough to which the roller presses the linen during ironing. Here you can iron linen with residual moisture up to 25%, which means that even after spinning at 1000 rpm, the linen needs to be dried in a drying drum. The width of the roller ironing roller can reach 2000 mm, the diameter of the roller is 300 mm, and the productivity is 50 kg per hour. The ironing roller is an inexpensive solution with decent ironing quality for most laundries.

Ironing equipment

A type of equipment used in a laundry or dry cleaner's for ironing items after washing. Traditionally, this type of equipment can be divided into two subgroups - for ironing straight linen (tablecloths, sheets, pillowcases, etc.) and for shaped linen (medical gowns, uniforms, trousers, jackets).  Ironing equipment for shaped clothes is also called finishing equipment or WTO (wet-heat treatment) equipment. This equipment includes ironing tables, steam mannequins, rotary cabins and ironing presses. Of course, bed linen and tablecloths can be ironed both on an ironing table and on a press, but still... Ironing rollers and calenders are used for ironing straight linen. This equipment provides maximum productivity, is an order of magnitude cheaper and provides an excellent degree of ironing.

Ironing press

The ironing press is used in laundry and dry cleaning, where there is a large flow of shaped linen and high productivity is required. Ironing occurs as follows - the product is placed on the lower ironing surface (cushion), then the upper cushion presses the product and the product is steamed. by pressing When buying a press, you must clearly determine what products will be ironed on it. For example, if you plan to use the press for ironing trousers, you should choose the appropriate shape of the ironing surface, for ironing leather products, you should order an upper plate made of stainless steel, etc. It is possible to supply a press with a built-in steam generator or external steam supply. There are models where the upper cushion is lowered manually or pneumatically (using compressed air).

Ironing table

The most popular type of ironing equipment in laundry and dry cleaning. This is a universal, inexpensive and functional solution for many facilities. For small volumes of ironing, you can get by with one table, saving on other finishing equipment. An industrial or professional ironing table  has a vacuum suction of steam from the ironing surface, and the ironing surface itself is heated. These two functions do not allow condensation to accumulate throughout the entire work shift. As a rule, the manufacturer initially offers a basic configuration, but it is necessary to pay attention to the configuration options, without which sometimes buying a table can be a waste of money. The following options can be called the most popular: a form for ironing sleeves, a roller with a suspension, blowing, a built-in steam generator, etc. As a rule, all tables are equipped with an electric steam iron, which is not afraid of working in two shifts for years.

Detergent dispenser

A device for feeding liquid detergents into a washing machine. The dispenser can feed up to 7 types of detergents (liquid washing powder, bleach, stain remover, conditioner, etc.) in a certain sequence, in the required doses, at a certain stage of washing. The process of feeding detergents occurs automatically and does not require the intervention of a laundry worker. If the laundry keeps track of washings, this system will provide full control over the consumption of detergents.

Industrial washing machine

Washing machines with single loads of 100 kg of dry laundry or more. Such machines are used in laundries with a capacity of several tons of linen per shift. As a rule, these machines have a very robust construction, steam heating, and a drum with several sections. Industrial washing machines also include tunnel machines (washing production lines). A tunnel washing machine consists of modules in the form of a tunnel. Each such module (with a load of up to 50 kg) is responsible for a certain stage of the washing cycle. For example, the first module is used for pre-washing, then the laundry goes through the main wash stage in the next four modules, rinsing occurs in the next two modules, and in the last one you can add special chemicals (for example, starch).

Water cleaning machine

An industrial washing machine with a fully programmable microprocessor that uses special programs for aqua-cleaning using chemicals. The machine load for aqua-cleaning is calculated by a factor of 1:20, for normal washing 1:10. For example, a machine with a drum of 130 liters will have a load of 13 kg of dry laundry for normal washing, and only 6.5 kg of dry laundry for aqua-cleaning.

Dry cleaning machine (dry cleaning machine)

A machine for cleaning clothes in a solvent by means of a physical-chemical process. Unlike a washing machine, no water is used for washing – hence the name “dry cleaning”. The two most common types of solvent used in a dry cleaning machine are perchloroethylene and hydrocarbon. Dry cleaning machines have a closed cycle, i.e. all the solvent used during washing is restored by 99.99% thanks to the distillation system. In addition to textiles, such machines can clean leather and fur products.


This term is used to describe the capabilities of the washing programs of a professional washing machine . There are two types of microprocessor - basic and freely programmable. Machines with a basic microprocessor come with factory-installed wash programs. Depending on the processor, the number of programs can range from five to ten. For most laundries with the same type of laundry, this will be enough. However, a freely programmable microprocessor expands the capabilities of the washing machine. Here you can program individual programs, setting the temperature, water level, cycle duration, number of rinses, spin speed, etc. Also, such machines can be used for water cleaning, because It is possible to create special programs.

Unsprung washing machine

This type of washing machine differs from a sprung washing machine in two parameters - maximum spin speed and installation method. The spin speed on such machines does not exceed 500 rpm. Accordingly, due to the low G-factor, the residual moisture content of the laundry (the amount of moisture in the laundry after spinning) will usually be 70%-85%, which will entail high energy costs for drying and ironing the laundry. The installation of such machines is also not easy. These machines require anchoring to the floor, so before installation it is necessary to prepare the foundation and allow it to harden well for several weeks. But unsprung cars have an advantage - the prices for such cars are lower.

WTO equipment

Ironing equipment for wet-heat treatment, which is used for ironing of shaped linen in dry cleaning and the clothing industry. This equipment includes ironing tables and presses, steam mannequins and rotary cabins. This equipment is also called finishing, i.e. it gives the final presentable appearance to dry shaped products due to steam treatment and ironing.

Residual moisture

The amount of moisture that remains in the laundry after spinning. If a professional washing machine has a final spin of 1000 rpm, which means the G-factor exceeds 300 units, then the laundry after spinning will have a residual moisture content of about 50%. That is, 10 kg of laundry after spinning will weigh 15 kg, having absorbed 5 liters of moisture. Of course, the residual moisture will be lower than this figure in laundry with a large amount of synthetics in the composition, and vice versa, higher if we are talking about terry robes and towels. The level of residual moisture after spinning the washing machine must be taken into account when selecting ironing and drying equipment, since this indicator has a great impact on the performance of ironing and drying equipment. For example, on an ironing calender, bypassing the drying machine, you can iron laundry with a residual moisture content of up to 50%. And for the ironing machine, the linen must be dried in a drying drum to a residual moisture content of 20%-25%.


Although the machine spins the laundry several times during the wash cycle, this generally means that the machine spins as quickly as possible after the final rinse at the end of the wash cycle. The residual moisture content of the laundry after washing depends on the spin speed. The less moisture remains in the laundry after washing, the less energy and time spent on drying and ironing the laundry. For some products, it is not recommended to use the washing machine's maximum spin speed. For example, it is recommended to spin terry products at a speed of 800 rpm, and uniforms with special impregnation at a speed of 500 rpm.

Steam heating

Heating type of industrial and industrial laundry equipment . Unfortunately, professional equipment with this type of heating is not supplied. This type of heating heats water much faster than electric heating, which shortens the washing cycle and increases the machine's productivity. If you have your own steam at your production facility, then steam heating will also be the most economical type of heating. Ironing calenders with steam heating also provide maximum productivity - the ironing roller will maintain a constant temperature over the entire surface, which will allow for optimally fast ironing. Industrial tumble dryers will also operate at maximum productivity.

Steam mannequin (steam mannequin)

There are two types of steam mannequins - for outerwear and for trousers. The steam trouser mannequin is also called a "topper" by some. You can iron jackets, coats, jackets, etc. on steam mannequins for outerwear. It takes about a minute to process one product, so steam mannequins are indispensable in production with a volume of several hundred units of products per shift.

Sprung washing machine

A washing machine that uses shock absorbers in its design. This makes it possible to install such a machine on any flat surface, even on a wooden floor. Also, such machines have a high spin speed from 1400 to 900 rpm, a high G-factor, due to which the residual moisture content of the laundry after washing will be only 30% -50%.

Laundry equipment

A set of equipment for organizing washing in a laundry. This equipment includes washing machines, drying drums, and ironing equipment. The washing process takes place in washing machines. In drying drums, the laundry is dried to the required residual moisture. Straight linen, such as tablecloths and sheets, is ironed with ironing rollers and calenders. Ironing tables, presses, and steam mannequins are used to iron shaped clothes.

Industrial washing machine

No laundry can do without industrial washing machines . These are machines with a single load of 10 to 100 kg of dry laundry. The main differences between such machines are their robust design and stainless steel body, powerful heating elements, and a microprocessor with professional washing programs. Now in more detail about the advantages of these differences. The robust design and housing will enable the machine to operate in a laundry room at high humidity for decades. The outer and inner stainless steel drums will allow the machine to use boiling wash programs, where the laundry is washed at maximum temperatures. Powerful heating elements will allow you to heat the water in a few minutes, which will significantly reduce the wash cycle time and, accordingly, increase the number of wash cycles per shift and the productivity of the washing machine. Equally important is the presence of a microprocessor that will offer at least 10 professional washing programs. Some machines have a freely programmable microprocessor that allows you to create individual washing and water cleaning programs.

Professional washing machine

This type of machine is used in mini laundries and self-service laundries. These machines occupy a middle position between industrial washing machines and household ones. The body of most professional machines, like household ones, has a powder coating. Some manufacturers, for example ASKO (Sweden), offer models with a front and top part made of stainless steel. Unlike household washing machines, the outer drum is made of stainless steel, which allows these models to be used for washing at high temperatures with "boiling". It should also be noted that the power of the heating elements in a professional washing machine will be several times higher than in a household one. This allows you to reduce the time it takes to heat the water, and accordingly the time of the washing cycle. Thus, a household machine will make about 4 cycles per shift, and a professional washing machine up to 10. All professional equipment is supplied with electric heating. If you are interested in gas or steam heating, then you should choose industrial models.

Professional laundry detergents

The main difference between professional detergents and household ones is the lower cost of washing and high quality. Thanks to precise dosing, the required component is supplied to the washing machine in the right quantity throughout all stages of the washing cycle. The technologist creates washing programs for each type of laundry and type of soiling. For example, to wash fitness center towels, you will only need to supply basic detergent and conditioner. To wash restaurant linen, a multi-component wash will be used, including a pre-wash agent, chlorine or oxygen bleaches, degreaser, conditioner, etc. Using professional detergents in the laundry it is easy to control the consumption of detergents, while the participation of laundry workers in the supply of detergents is eliminated.

Rotary cabin

A device for ironing outerwear and trousers. Sometimes a steam dummy for trousers and a steam dummy for outerwear are needed for work, but there is not enough space to install both. In this case, a rotary cabin is a way out. This cabin consists of two sections - one is equipped for ironing outerwear, the other for trousers. One of the sections is open for operator access, while the other is used for wet-heat treatment of the product. By rotating along the axis, the sections can be swapped. Thus, the ironing process takes place in one section, while the operator removes the previously ironed product and puts on a new one for processing.

Residual humidity sensor

Humidity sensor installed in an industrial dryer . By starting a drying cycle in a drying drum with such a sensor, the drying temperature and residual moisture of the product are set at which the machine should end the cycle. This is a very important option for the wet cleaning process. Here it is strictly contraindicated to overdry the product, because... this may cause deformation and damage to the product.

Dryer drum

Machine for drying clothes after washing in a washing machine. At a low rotation speed of the drum, hot air is supplied to the machine, after which the moisture with the exhaust humid air is discharged outside into the hood. Terry products after drying are ready for use and do not require additional ironing. Medical gowns, uniforms, etc. after the drying machine can be subjected to wet-heat treatment on an ironing table or steam mannequin. You can also dry straight linen in the dryer to the required residual moisture for ironing on the ironing rink.


Maintenance is simply necessary to extend the service life, smooth operation and prevent possible malfunctions of laundry equipment . If the laundry operates in 2-3 shifts, then maintenance should be carried out at least once every 5-7 weeks. Maintenance is a prerequisite for providing a guarantee by the manufacturer or its representative in Ukraine. The system works similarly to a car dealership, where the car must undergo mandatory maintenance after 10,000 km of mileage.

Finishing equipment

Ironing equipment for final processing and ironing of shaped products. Finishing occurs by ironing while processing the product with steam. Such equipment is also called WTO (wet heat treatment). These include ironing tables, steam dummies, an ironing press and a rotary cabin. Finishing equipment is simply necessary to complete dry cleaning. In the laundry room, where the volume of linen is very small, you can get by with a household iron.

Factor – G (eng. G-force)

This indicator is used to determine the gravitational influence to which the laundry is exposed during spinning. This indicator directly depends on the diameter of the drum, the weight of the laundry and the spin speed of the washing machine. The higher the factor-G value, the lower the level of residual moisture in the laundry after spinning. For example, in a machine with a load of 10 kg of dry laundry with a spin of 1000 rpm, this figure will be 300 units, and with the same spin in a machine with a load of 16 kg, this figure will be 360 units.

Dry cleaning (dry cleaning, dry cleaning)

This is a chemical-physical process of cleaning textile or leather clothes using a solvent (perchloroethylene or hydrocarbon). The main purpose of dry cleaning is to remove dirt and stains that cannot be washed in a regular wash cycle. A dry cleaning machine resembles a combined washing and drying machine in its functions. Clothes to be cleaned are placed in the washing compartment, where there is a rotating perforated drum. Depending on the size of the machine, the loading weight is from 10 to 100 kg of dry clothes. During the washing cycle, the chamber is filled with solvent to approximately 1/3 of its volume and the drum begins to rotate. The temperature of the solvent should not exceed 30° C, since higher temperatures can affect the color of the items, causing coloring and fading. During the washing cycle, fresh solvent is constantly supplied to the chamber from the working tank, while the used solvent is removed and sent to the filter, which consists of a distillation boiler and a condenser.

Electric heating

A method of heating laundry or dry cleaning equipment using electric heating elements (TENs). This is the most common type of heating. Laundries that work night shifts can use a preferential (night) tariff for electricity, which will help reduce energy costs several times.

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