Rules for the use of hygienic washing machines and premises for disinfection of linen_

  1. All linen, special clothing and personal protective equipment from infectious diseases departments, as well as linen contaminated with biological secretions from somatic and surgical departments, clinical diagnostic laboratories, pathological departments and forensic medical examination bureaus are disinfected and washed in walk-through washing machines that have two windows - a window for loading (dirty) and a window for unloading (clean). Processing of other textile products can be carried out in conventional washing machines, that is, in non-passable type equipment.
  2. Technological flows of dirty and clean linen should not intersect. The technological process of disinfection and washing of linen in institutions should restore its sanitary and hygienic properties and ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety.
  3. The laundry room should be divided into clean and dirty areas with a hygiene barrier . It is necessary to ensure such operating conditions for machines with the laundry doors closed, through which it is impossible to move air between clean and dirty areas.
  4. All linen of maternity hospitals, anti-tuberculosis institutions, gynecological, surgical, dermatovenerological, and infectious diseases departments must be subjected to chemical disinfection in laundries in dedicated containers and a specially equipped room .
  5. Chemical disinfection of linen without traces of blood and protein contamination is carried out according to the disinfection regime, as for bacterial infections. Disinfection of linen with traces of blood and specific protein contaminants is carried out according to the same regimen as for viral parenteral infections. Disinfection of linen in anti-tuberculosis institutions is carried out according to the “tuberculosis” regime.
  6. Washing of special clothing and personal protective equipment should be carried out centrally and separately from the laundry of patients.
  7. Washing and disinfection of infected linen is carried out in pass-through washing machines. Washing machines must have separate loading and unloading hatches (loading rooms for dirty laundry, unloading rooms for clean laundry) or functional measures must completely exclude re-infection. Washing of uninfected laundry can be carried out in ordinary washing machines.
  8. Washing machines must be installed in accordance with the model and mode of operation in such a way that, within a certain time for disinfection, all the necessary concentrations of disinfectants and detergents, liquid module and temperature are met. In cases in which it is necessary to prevent the entry of pathogens into wastewater, it is necessary to complete disinfection of linen and liquids by the first discharge.
  9. The laundry room must have at least one washing machine that allows chemical-thermal disinfection washing.

Overloading machines with laundry in excess of established norms is prohibited, as this can lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of laundry washing.

Depending on the degree of contamination and the type of textiles, the laundry washing mode is selected.

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